Monday, July 28, 2014

Mind Sieve 7/28/14

This will be a quick one!
ArmadilloCon was fun, but the catching up begins!

Morganville Trailer!  Woot!  Web series based on the Rachel Caine Morganville Vampire series. Sweet!


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Virtual Tourist - TERA 7/27/14

Still having fun at ArmadilloCon, but it pays to be prepared! Heh heh

Tuwangi Mire

Some really interesting flora in this area.

Seems idyllic, doesn't it?

Except for the frogs! (See the frog balloon in the upper left?)

These little guys are totally all about frogs.

Really colorful (and weird) stuff here. :)

Cool mount!

Celestial Hills

Really loved these rocks. So mysterious

The pointy one is floating above the base below it.

Lion mount! Ooooo!

Those suckers were so weird! 

The sun. I love the magic lines.

Bad tempered dudes.

Isn't that pretty?

One of the small outposts in this zone.

Loved this cool gadget they had in the center of the outpost.

Some of the ruins in the area

Cool observatory at the outpost.

This building had such a neat interior too.  Loved this little place.

Happy gaming!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Movie Review - Snowpiercer

(Running super short on time so forgive any typos and crappy grammar!)

Starring: Chris Evans, Jamie Bell, Kang-ho Song, Ed Harris, John Hurt, Tilda Swinton, Octavia Spencer, Ewen Bremmer, Ah-sung Ko, Alison Pill, Luke Pasqualino, Vlad Ivanov, Adnan Hascovik, and more.

Directed by: Joon-ho Bong Screenplay by: Joon-ho Bong and Kelly Masterson Based on Le Transperceneige by Jacques Lob, Benjamin Legrand, and Jean-Marc Rochette Cinematography by: Kyung-pyo Hong Music by: Marco Beltrami

Premise: When a fix for global warming goes terribly wrong, the world is plunged into an eternal winter. While all other life is gone, humans have survived thanks to Wilford Industries and its train. But for those in the rear of the train, life is harsh. Despite previous failed attempts to push their way to the front and confronting Wilford and his mighty engine, when two of their children are taken away without explanation, Curtis gives in and those in the back make their move. (Rated R)


1) Acting - Total Thumbs Up: Loved Chris Evans in this. Shows a different side of his abilities. Jamie Bell was full of passion and hero worship. Kang-ho Song was fun with his interested disinterest. John Hurt and Ed Harris - need I say more? Tilda Swinton was a hoot as Mason. And always love to watch Octavia Spencer work. All these people are what made the movie worth watching. If not for them...

2) Special Effects - Total Thumbs Up: Very subtle and well done special effects. Watching the train careening over the tracks and smashing into ice looked very cool. The engine itself was minimalistically cool. Smoke and mirrors. Several of the cars were fantastic and not just in the sharp contrast with what we'd seen of the train before, but the set up. The sushi car was super awesome.

Lots of neat visuals sprinkled through the film - when they get their first ever look (for some) outside the train; the fight in the car with all the night vision goggle guys; the bizarre school, and more.

3) Plot/Story - Neutral: If you can ignore all the unrealistic pieces of the film, there are some neat plot beneath it. But many will find it hard. Suspension of disbelief has to reach new heights to swallow parts of this one.

The science on this is so terribly, terribly bad. The train is supposed to be a self sustaining entity, and has to have successfully been doing so for almost twenty years. But if the sections of the train we get to see as the revolution heads towards the front is any indication, there's no way it could handle the number of people aboard. They'd been better served to have set this situation up aboard a cruise ship or a facility inside a mountain than on a train. The amount of room they'd need just to reprocess waste materials or grow anywhere near the amount of food or other things they'd need to exist was way beyond what the train could possibly contain. There's not even enough room to walk or exercise, so the fact these people in the back could even move since they've nothing to do but eat and sleep, was a stretch.

Bad science aside, a lot of the social aspects explored in the film were very interesting. They even set up a several mysteries to entice us along - the mysterious Mr. Wilson, the engine, what could they be possibly doing with the back car kids? Seeing how the different sections are all going a little crazy, each in their own way. Neat stuff.

If they'd only paid a little more attention to the science this could have been so so good! They also thought they ended it on a hopeful note, but they are so very wrong.

4) Stunts - Total Thumbs Up: Some really neat stunts and fight scenes. The way they come up with to break from their compartment into the next car or two over was super cool! And the fight with the guards with the night vision goggles as the new year rings in was mind boggling and well done on so many levels. Nice work!

5) Locations/Cinematography - Total Thumbs Up: The look of the cars as they moved from back to front where all little capsules of their own with a different look and feel for every one of them. The spanning shots of the train and the white emptiness, the railroad bridge and the yawning expanse below, lots of neat visuals.

Conclusion: If you can ignore the utterly atrocious science with regards to the train being an actual working self contained eco-system, there is fun to be had. The surprises and reveals toward the end were quite devilish.

Rating: 3 of 5 (Hubby's Rating: Better on Cable)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Picture Kaleidoscope 7/23/14

Half the week is almost over and ArmadilloCon lays in the horizon. Woot!

Fell in love with this one at Alessio Albi's site - Rebecca. Nice! Lots of gorgeous work! 

Totally love this one too. Mr. Malkiewicz does incredible work. (I have a friend who LOVES trains. Had to instantly send an email. Heh heh.)

May your day be filled with awesome sights!

Monday, July 21, 2014

MInd Sieve 7/21/14

Greetings, all!

Fan Fun

Campaign for raising funds to make a long Simon's Cat Cartoon at Indiegogo. Should be so cute!!!!

Syfy is doing a TV version of 12 Monkeys! Could be fun!

Sharknado 2 The Second One - official trailer. HAH! Didn't see the 1st one but this one looks fun. lol.

Appleseed Alpha Official Trailer 1 - CGI of the anime/manga series - sweet!

Crimson Skies Official Trailer - Woot! Dragon apocalypse!!!!

Writing Advice

From Jami Gold - Building a Character ARC Starts From the End. Great stuff!

Why You Should Act As Your Own Author-Publisher (At Least Once) from Chuck (NSFW) Wendig. Pay close attention to #6 though! There really are no shortcuts. If you're new to writing, you must never assume you actually have a clue - because in the beginning, most of us really don't! :P

Out of time. Stay healthy!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Virtual Tourist - TERA 7/20/14

Morning all!
Running late. Been fighting a cold and it tricked me this morning. For shame!

Crecentia/Lumbertown areas
(I think)

Like totally friendly decor here, right?

Portable campfires to regen health, mps, and stamina. 

Totally cute!

Yeah, totally friendly area. For sure! NOT

Such cool architecture!

Teleport portal. These guys do use antlers in all their decorating! Hee hee!

Cutest bag guys ever!

All sorts of interesting stuff.

Doesn't he look cool?

Latest armor of the moment.

Hubby's. Too cute

This thing was so creepy looking! 

The rows of eyes. Eek!

Bunny in a rock. 

Baby dragon!!!!!

Isn't that a glorious sky?

Gave a great day!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Picture Kaleidoscope 7/16/14

Feeling a little under the weather today. Ugh.

Some unusual cloud formations for Texas recently. The weird cotton pattern is not what you normally see here.

Sometimes I really wish you could pan back. This made for a cool giant sized wing. :)

Fighting the wind to take a pic of the bud. Wind kept winning as it wouldn't let the image focus. lol.

Took this on the way in this morning. More cotton looking clouds.

But I did something because instead of one pic, I heard the phone do multiple.

Hadn't touched the main button, so no idea what happened. But it does show how fast the clouds are moving.

Giant cotton balls! They look even more defined here at work. 

Have a great day!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Mind Sieve 7/14/14

Happy Monday!
(Yes, I realize that may be an oxymoron, but to survive me must fool ourselves where we can. :P)

Fan Fun

Exodus: Gods and Kings Official Trailer #1 - This should be cool. Haven't had Egyptian stuff in a while. Sweet!

Unbroken Official Olympics Trailer - will be a definite tear jerker.

Ping Pong Summer Trailer - comedy set in 1985 - might be cute. :P

The Identical Trailer - what's truly funny about this is that though it is not Elvis Presley, it's definitely treated as if it were. Which is super cool and creepy since Elvis seemingly had a twin that died at birth! So you could look at this almost as a what if. Go Seth Green!

Social Media/Author Platform

From Facebook for Business - New Direct Response Features: Multi-Product Ads and Enhanced Custom Audiences from your Website - man, I really, really need a clone. So little time...

How to Schedule and Edit Facebook Posts Using Facebook - from Ravi Shukle at the Social Media Examiner. Ooooh, schedule ability! Nice!

Writing Advice

Want More Conflict in Your Novel? Go DM & Balance the Party by Kristen Lamb. Hah! Using ye old D&D alignment rules to help figure out characters. Heh. Being a gamer does have some advantages. Nice. (Though a few of the alignment examples I could argue with. But this is a subjective thing. Heh.)

Sycophants and Stockholm Syndrome: More Publishing Rhetoric, YAY by Chuck Wendig.

See ya!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Virtual Tourist - TERA 7/13/14

Morning, all!


Some kind of light thing. The rose will glow. Really rather cool.

NPC with a cool outfit

I would definitely live in this tree house!


Why, yes, she'd love to kill any of us. 

Horns in all their decorating! Really looks cool, doesn't it?

Summoning device of some sort.

Back in the more civilized zone.

The sky is so awesome here!

Town folk.

That is one BIG statue

Isn't the cottage just too cute?

Newest set of armor for hubby. Isn't it cute?

This is mine. Heh heh. 

Have an awesome Sunday!
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