Monday, July 14, 2014

Mind Sieve 7/14/14

Happy Monday!
(Yes, I realize that may be an oxymoron, but to survive me must fool ourselves where we can. :P)

Fan Fun

Exodus: Gods and Kings Official Trailer #1 - This should be cool. Haven't had Egyptian stuff in a while. Sweet!

Unbroken Official Olympics Trailer - will be a definite tear jerker.

Ping Pong Summer Trailer - comedy set in 1985 - might be cute. :P

The Identical Trailer - what's truly funny about this is that though it is not Elvis Presley, it's definitely treated as if it were. Which is super cool and creepy since Elvis seemingly had a twin that died at birth! So you could look at this almost as a what if. Go Seth Green!

Social Media/Author Platform

From Facebook for Business - New Direct Response Features: Multi-Product Ads and Enhanced Custom Audiences from your Website - man, I really, really need a clone. So little time...

How to Schedule and Edit Facebook Posts Using Facebook - from Ravi Shukle at the Social Media Examiner. Ooooh, schedule ability! Nice!

Writing Advice

Want More Conflict in Your Novel? Go DM & Balance the Party by Kristen Lamb. Hah! Using ye old D&D alignment rules to help figure out characters. Heh. Being a gamer does have some advantages. Nice. (Though a few of the alignment examples I could argue with. But this is a subjective thing. Heh.)

Sycophants and Stockholm Syndrome: More Publishing Rhetoric, YAY by Chuck Wendig.

See ya!

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