Monday, July 21, 2014

MInd Sieve 7/21/14

Greetings, all!

Fan Fun

Campaign for raising funds to make a long Simon's Cat Cartoon at Indiegogo. Should be so cute!!!!

Syfy is doing a TV version of 12 Monkeys! Could be fun!

Sharknado 2 The Second One - official trailer. HAH! Didn't see the 1st one but this one looks fun. lol.

Appleseed Alpha Official Trailer 1 - CGI of the anime/manga series - sweet!

Crimson Skies Official Trailer - Woot! Dragon apocalypse!!!!

Writing Advice

From Jami Gold - Building a Character ARC Starts From the End. Great stuff!

Why You Should Act As Your Own Author-Publisher (At Least Once) from Chuck (NSFW) Wendig. Pay close attention to #6 though! There really are no shortcuts. If you're new to writing, you must never assume you actually have a clue - because in the beginning, most of us really don't! :P

Out of time. Stay healthy!

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