I fell off the planet again and will most likely fall off again next week.
I had a gallstone attack a couple of weeks ago. First time I've had one! At least to where I knew something was wrong. I had some scans, and they found the stones. Now I am going to have my gallbladder removed. Whee! (Thus the reason I'll be falling off the planet again.) Wish me luck!
Virtual Tourist
Witcher 3
One of the large rooms in Emhyr var Emreis's castle.
View of Northern Temeria and one of the villages.
Members of the Wild Hunt looking for clues to Ciri's whereabouts.
This is the leader of the Wild Hunt and supernatural bad guy. Mean looking guy!
A gorgeous view as I approach a set of small ruins.
A closer look at the ruins.
Also, next Saturday is Small Business Saturday. You can help small business and small publishers by shopping their wears.

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