April continues to be quite insane. It's mind-bending how crazy and weird this month has been. Let's hope May helps us turn the corner! :P

Avengers Infinity War - This is a major rollercoaster ride! Super high stakes from the moment the film starts with quips thrown in to relieve tension. Be prepared for a cliffhanger of sorts. Just remember Dr. Strange's comment that this is the way things need to go. :P One small extra bit at the very end of the credits. (Some of the scenes where characters meet each other for the first time are priceless!) Rating: 4 out of 5 (Hubby's Rating: Worth Full Price to See Again!)
My Time at Portia
View of the night's sky outside my workshop.
The Rat Prince (and my soon to be couch!). First "dungeon" in the game. Went in to fix the power in a cave for the town, and next thing I know I have to fight for my life to find the exit. Found out they are also the ones responsible for a rash of thefts in town.
Once you can defeat one of the Flying Pig Civil Defense Force people, you are allowed to go to the Hazardous Ruins. Unlike the other two ruin locations, this one is not for mining but combat and movement skills. There are four tiers (so far) and each has five to six 'levels' with a boss at the last one. Some of the dropped loot you have to have for building! (Though some of it I noticed will later show up in the mining areas once you get higher in level.)
Another section of one of the levels. The gate at the end won't open to let you either exit or move on to the next level until all the bad guys are dead. (If you hear a turkey's gobble, it means you're about to have respawned bad guys!) You can hack dark crates to get money and goods. Other colored containers won't do anything.
View from the entrance to the Hazardous Ruins
After you do a series of builder quests to repair a lift and track down and fix the source of a pipe leaking hazardous materials into the town's water, you go to the WOW Factory. While setting the pipe, you will get swept to the lower levels. There you meet Red Mice (they throw fireballs!) and eventually make it to the Rat King. He is the reason for the hazardous leak. He's mad about his sone being dead. He is the last piece to get to fix the town's water. Have not been able to get past him yet. Luckily, you can go in and out to this last point.
The item before you is the level 2 Assembly platform. I had to upgrade to build the waterwheel in the picture. I had to buy more land to get that sucker in here. :P
Inside the Portia School House. You can enter a lot of buildings. As you gain plusses with the people who live in Portia, you will also be able to come into their homes. I inadvertently went into the Tree Farm house around 11 PM and found the two guys snoring away. Lol.
A view of a bunch of the building/creation equipment I have so far made and used. While the Assembly Platform and House get upgraded, the rest of the machines you create new versions. So you start with an open forge, then do the small yellow forge behind me, then the larger one in the back. From here you can see from right to left: the Skiver level 2, the basic grill, forge 2 and forge 3 (I think they are called Civil Forge and Industrial Forge), Cooking Set, Blender, beginning forge, Industrial Cutter, and part machine. Each higher one will include more things it can work on and making them in bigger batches.
I'd been trying to get the next level of housing, and it's been a fight. Finally got it and forced it to fit! Lol. You end up buying more land, and I needed the Assembly Platform level 2, so finally was able to once more get the money and goods to upgrade the house. You can't tell from the picture, but between all the equipment, the assembly platform and the house, there's room for nothing else! Will have to buy more land again. Ugh!
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