Sunday, April 22, 2018

Virtual Tourist - My Time at Portia 4/22/18

My goodness! 2018 is turning out to be even more turbulent than 2016 and 2017. Oi!
Typically once I am out of the YE and audit circus, things settle down a bit. But not this year! First Quarter End was brutal. I worked three weeks worth of time in two weeks. Ugh. I've been a mental vegetable.

Mini Movie Reviews


Rampage - The film is another piece of fun nostalgia. It's loosely based on the console game Rampage. It was a fun ride all the way around. George, the albino gorilla, is a hoot! 3.75 out of 5. (Hubby's Rating: Worth full price to see again!)

Isle Of Dogs

Isle of Dogs - this was a fun and super quirky film. They use both stop animation and film animation. They make subtle fun of all sorts of things. The dogs are awesome. Not everyone will like it, but we thought it was great! 3.75 out of 5 (Hubby's Rating: Worth full price of admission.)

My Time at Portia

I got a new game to detox with - My Time at Portia. It is very similar, yet also different from Stardew Valley (Another fun game). The central premise of both games is to help the community, grow in skills, mine, fish, farm, scavenge, fight, and more.  Aside from different mechanics and emphasis, My Time at Portia has an entirely different visual feel from Stardew Valley.

My Time at Portia - Central Square

This is the central square in town. A&G Construction, Commerce Center, and the Mayor's office are here.

My Time at Portia -  Sonya

Since it is a community type game, you get experience for meeting people. This is my first meeting with Sonia. One thing this game adds to the townsfolk is the ability to spar with them, plays stone-paper-scissors, or even Go. If you win, you get additional relationship points and a bit of coin (or lose coin, too!)

My Time at Portia - Mayor's Office

This is the Mayor's office. On the right is a list of active quests. The indicator over his head shows I need to go to him for an action. (And yes, that's me!) :)

My Time at Portia - Knight game room

Game room at Django's restaurant. There are lots of things reminiscent of Stardew Valley.

The Civil Corps building - they help fight monsters and keep the town safe. Had to take a pic of their mascot/statue as it is a pig flying. lol.

My Time at Portia - ruins can be seen in the distance

This is a post-apocalyptic world that is once more prospering. There are ruins that can be mined for old technologies. There are factions/guilds that are pro and anti old technology. 

My Time at Portia - Ruins

View back towards town from the tree farm area. You can see the Church of Light on the right. They are anti old tech. 

My Time at Portia - Inside the Church of Light

Inside the Church of Light. Quite impressive! 

My Time at Portia - murals at the Church of Light

The murals depict some of the events before civilization collapsed.

My Time at Portia - Left side murals at the Church f Light

Here humanity is rising out of the dark ages.

More weird stuff was going on in life this past week. Hopefully, things will find a neutral ground, and I can get back to a regular schedule again. *fingercrossed*

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