I'm baaack~!
You know I HAD to. Supernatural Season 8 Promo. May it be good. :P
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters...say what? And with Jeremy Renner? I'm so there. :P
Per Tor.com this Star Wars spoof was done a long time ago (yes, in a galaxy far far away~!). I'd never seen it but it was cute. COPS and Star Wars unite for Troops.
Rock Jocks Theatrical Trailer - this could be cute!
As Long As You Love Me Parody from the Key of Awesome. Even has a Star Wars section! lol.
The Expandables 2 Part 2 - yeah, if the film left you wanting a little more, here you go. Hee!
The Rocketeer Animation - Fanmade. This was adorable! Wish there was more.
Matt Smith & Karen Gillan - Dr Who vs. Nerdist - celebrity bowling! Yeah, I wasn't going to look at this, then I thought, naw, do it for a minute. Watched the whole thing. Laughed my buns off. lol. Tons of fun.
Tom Hank's Electric City - very gritty, very noir, and it's animated!
3 Reasons Why Coercing Readers Into Newsletter Subscriptions Is A Bad Idea by Roni Loren. Makes sense.
This is how one of my publishers is using social media (plus it let's me give it an extra plug! :P) - The 2012 Zumaya Publications Trivia Scavenger Hunt. Heh heh heh. (What?)
The Business Rusch: A Good Offense from Kristine Kathryn Rusch.
A Warning To All Writers Who Need Help Indie Publishing from Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Scary stuff!
I think I got a little carried away - but so much good stuff to share!
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