FansOfMovies shared the news about the new Max Payne 3 game trailer. Total Film has the details.
Total Film shared the latest parody video by The Muppets - this one based on The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
A preview to a film I'd not heard of before but looks totally adorable - We Bought A Zoo.
AceRocksBooks found this. Beyond cute! Jedi Kittens Strike Back! Totally beyond CUTE!
The Breaking Dawn pt 1 Trailer. I must admit they make it look tantalizing. Heh heh
Total Film has set photos of the Total Recall remake with Colin Farrell and Jessica Biel. Love Colin Farrell, so this should be fun!
Balladeer has a post on The Top Eleven Deities in Hawaiian Mythology. Now that's something you don't hear about everyday!
Another film I hadn't heard about - The Awakening. Very unusual location and time frame. Very tantalizing and I hate scary stuff! lol
Mary Jo Gibson gives us a peek at the Lightner Museum on Museum Monday. Cool looking place and cool looking stuff! Be fun to visit.
From Total Film, a preview to J Edgar with Leonardo DiCaprio. Also has Jeffrey Donovan as President Kennedy! Woot!
Dr Clayton Forrester shared a video called Because Tom Sellect's Mustache Makes Everything Better. (If you're under 40 this might not mean anything to you. Though Tom is now in Blue Bloods, so who knows!) It's too funny.
TorBooks found this blog with AT-AT Pancakes! So cool!
From Eddie McClintock himself, a link to the preview of the 2 Hr Warehouse 13 season finale!
Dr Twuth from Kristen Lamb tackles - Now I Need a Service for Validation? Beating the Bots! Nice strategies on what to watch out for and how to avoid becoming Bot Fodder.
Maria Zannini gives us the Three Layers of Book Promotion. Great definitions and even examples!
From Laura Pepper Wu - Adding Customer Images to Your Amazon Page to Increase Your Sales. No idea if this would work or not, but wouldn't hurt. Went and added my mug to all my books and anthologies. What the hey! Wonder who in my family I can bribe to sit and hold one to look like they're reading. Hmmmm.
Kristen Lamb's WANA Wednesday - Three Keys to a Sucessful Author Platform - All This and a Bag of Chips. Kristen waxes philosophically on why you should take her online course. This might be of interest to some of you out there especially if you're just starting your author platform.
Gene Lempp's Designing from Bones - The Elements of Culture. The ancient Cyprus! Nice info on the long term culture and ways to think about world building for your own creations!
Jami Gold walks us through an answer for Where Do You Get Your Ideas? (Or how SPAM can make you a better writer. Heh heh.)
Jaye Wells has a great post on the writing experience - The Journeyman Writer.
Really nice post about dealing with critiques from Angela Ackerman - Evaluating Critique Feedback.
Setting - Adding Dimension to Your Fiction by Kristen Lamb. Great examples!
From Chuck (NSFW) Wendig comes 25 Virtues Writers Should Posses. Great list (though I'm still not sure about Coffee or Liquor as virtues, dude!) :P
Okay, I ran out of time, but here's a whittled down list of all the stuff I accumulated. Have fun! And feel free to list cool stuff you guys ran across, too! Sharing is fun! Heh heh.
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