Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Picture Kaleidoscope 9/28/11

A feast for your eyes!

I've always thought this unending hall visual effect is kind of cool! 

Rie Sheridan's costume at Fencon.

The Steampunk Illumination Society.  There were some really nice Steampunk outfits this year. 

She has a super cool rocket pack strapped to her back!

Not only was the Wicked Witch of the West done up steampunk, but her monkey moved! So cool!

Ah yes, Cthulu toilet paper roll protectors! No one will be messing with your paper if he's around. So cute!

Jackie Leaf mutated some dolls she bought on the cheap to the famed SG-1 group. They really came out great! 

Samantha Carter. (Her hat walked off somewhere.)

Teal'c.  He even had his gold symbol on his forehead. Jackie said the staff is still a work in progress.

Daniel Jackson - glasses and all! (She had to make those and add them - nice job!)

And of course Jack O'Neill. Jackie brought the for the possibly last Obligatory Stargate Panel at Fencon. Very well attended! Always a fun panel.

Now for other cool photos I ran into during the week. :)

From NASA's Image of the Day - Herschel Mission Finds Galactic Growth Slow and Steady.

Another NASA image - The Thin Blue Line.

Earth Shot of ther Day - Fairy Bonsai by Adam Gibbs - so cute!

Chuck Wendig took one of his son that is too rad. I don't think it was intentional, but if you look at his eyes, it's got a cyberpunk look to them! Heh heh

Some way cool 3D images of room in Latvia. Very rad!

The Milky Way From the Top of the World!

Rosemary Clemment-Moore took this pic of a Giant Armadillo! With HORNS!

National Geographic has a set of 8 Amazing Nature Photos. Pretty cool!

And from Jerry J Davis comes Trump Tower Sunset!

Till next time!

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