Sunday, April 05, 2020

Pancakes a la Oliver

Morning, all!

Being Shut-In is not easy. Luckily, we live in a rural area and taking a short walk with no one around helps keep the cabin fever in check. :P

Anyway, hubby made something yesterday that I made for myself this morning and thought I would share it! It might be fun to try with the kiddos! A new way to bling out breakfast. :)

Pancakes a la Oliver!

  Pancakes a la Oliver

1 - Grab one stack of your favorite frozen pancakes.

2 - Heat the pancakes per instructions, unstacked on a plate.  (I add a tiny bit of butter to melt on top.)

3 - Once done, add a slice of Colby and a slice of thin-sliced ham on each pancake.

4 - Put them back in the microwave for 30 sec.

5 - Remove from the microwave and add a drizzle (or more) of syrup and eat!
Pretty tasty! (It's like a pancake Montecristo!)

Speaking of Montecristo, I am thinking of trying some jam on top the next time. 🥰

I hope you guys are safe and virus-free! Stay safe!

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