I am going to go in a different direction this week. Since my SF novel "Alien Redemption" will be getting published in 2019, I need to start now in getting the word out and doing things to promote it. (With my lack of time, this will be tough! They always say you should start at least nine months in advance. Oi!)
So I figured I would occasionally share what I'm doing to prep for that. Before that though, let's do our weekly Mini Movie Review! :P
Mini Movie Review

The MEG - The beginning of the film was really well done. They set up the hero, give us a glimpse into what has scarred him and then we start five years later. The Mana One and the mini-subs and our descent below the frost level are fantastic. Seeing the first view of this hidden underwater world was great! The whole section there, including the rescue, etc. was well worth it. It's only once that's over that it goes into what you initially expected, contrived situations to get people in the water. :P Meiying (Sophia Cai) was super adorable! She also adds much to the film. There are loads of familiar faces. Red herrings, weirdness, and more abound. It also has loads of JAWS in-jokes/homage. A million times better than Sharknado. :P
Rating: 3 out of 5 (Hubby's Rating: Worth Full Price of Admission)
Alien Redemption - Getting pieces for the Book Trailer pt 1
(And realizing I have not made a page at the website for this one yet. DOH! Something else for the To-Do List! :P)So the first thing you have to do is try to find photos that somewhat resemble your vision. This could mean hours trolling through the different photo sites to locate those you can purchase rights on to use. I got pretty lucky yesterday and found a lot of what I needed at Adobe Stock.
I will need to do a lot of work on the pics I found, but it's one step closer to getting the book trailer done. :)
Here's the original I decided to use for the Holiday (Captain Ricardo Bennet's ship - and the location where many things happen in the first half of the book).

I needed to add stars and the name of the ship to the photo. Luckily I was able to find a tutorial for how to add a starry sky! Yay!

You can't see the stars on this one. Too shrunk down. You should be able to click on it to get a bigger view. Let me get a different cut as well.

You can see the name and the stars. It was bizarre how the artist had tapes with H's on different areas of the hull. Almost like this was destined. No? :P
Next is Turbic Station:

Currently, I've only added stars to the background. May add some neon for the upper area where the exclusive part of the station serves rich clientele wanting to get away from all the restrictions of the civilized worlds.

Lovely, no? :)
I have a ways to go! Had hoped to have a gif ready of the Holiday dashing across the screen, but I need to work on the angles. Maybe next time. :P
Next week ChibiChains and I will be at Animefest! If you are there, please come to the Dealers Room and say "Hi!".
Have a great week!
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