Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Picture Kaleidoscope 5/13/15

Gooooood Morning!
We're supposed to get more rain this week. Lakes are happy, sinuses are not! :)
But it does make for some interesting skies!

Some unusual cloud type mixes this day. Cirrus at the top, cumulus  at the bottom.

You can see the cumulus line better on this one.

More so in this one. It was a harbinger of things to come!

A little too fast on the trigger finger, lol. But look at them clouds!

Butter melting in the horizon! 

Can you hear the pan sizzle?


And one more!

Roses have been loving the rain. 

Glorious morning! Booyah!

Storms are a coming.

Oh yeah!

Only caught the tail of the lovely colors in the clouds. *pout* Driving safety first though!

Have a lovely Wednesday!

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