Monday, December 16, 2013

Mind Sieve 12/16/13

Morning, all!

Fan Fun

Simon's Cat - Christmas Presence (part 1) - These are always so cute!

Jupiter Ascending - SF - COOL!

Edge of Tomorrow - more awesome SF! YES!

Godzilla Official Trailer - yeah, they're trying again. Wonder how it will be.

Social Media/Author Platform

3 Ways Responsive Design Can Benefit Your Blog from Social Media Examiner, article by Rachel Spring. I've been hearing a lot about this type of design lately! Ugh more stuff to learn.

Instagram Direct: This Week in Social Media from Cindy King at the Social Media Examiner.

Writing Advice

From Chuck (NSFW) Wendig - Writing vs. Publishing (Or: No More Half Measures, Walter") - great post. And yes, I totally agree that once you publish, you definitely want to make sure it is the best it can be regardless of who the "published" part was achieved. Go, Beard!

Expectations and Reality - Making a Better, Happier, and Stronger You from Kristen Lamb. Dang, girl, dang!

Have a great week!

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