Monday, April 16, 2012

Mind Sieve 4/16/12

Monday, Monday!

Official Zetman Trailer. Ah, destruction as only anime can. lol. 

Kinect Star Wars Light Saber Duel. I was dying! Dying! lol. It's so bad. lol.

A new Woody Allen Film - To Rome With Love

The Dictator Trailer 2. Crazy stuff! lol. 

RUIN a cool animated short!

Designing From Bones - Isle of Dystopia from Gene Lempp. Wicker Man! Wicker Man! Just saying... :P

Understanding Author Platform Part 2 - All The World Wide Web's A Stage from Kristen Lamb.

3 Important Steps For Your Vlog by yours truly. (You've been warned!)

The Wonderful World of Tweetdeck and Twitter Management from The Writer's Guide To E Publishing. Ooo, time to update my Tweetdeck!

From Chuck (NSFW) Wendig - How To Be A Full-time Writer - A "25 Things You Should Know" Investigative Report. As always, so utterly right and illuminating! Go Chuck! Go Beard!

How To Outline Any Piece Of Writing from Aliventures. I definitely liked how she coped with fiction novel outlining. Because it is totally true, sometimes they decide to go places you never saw coming. :P

Huh, this week's post went rather smoothly. Who knew? Enjoy!

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