Virtual Tourist 09/09/22
Table of Contents
News/Musings | StoryOrigin Swap 1 |
Virtual Tourist – Sherlock Holmes Chapter One | StoryOrigin Swap 2 |
Tormented Characters: Fantasy Review Copies | Trails Unknown |
BookSirens ARC Bundle | Strong Women Strange Worlds |
Reviewers Corner! |
Temperatures have been so much better lately than in July/August. Still hot, mind you, but we’re not hitting 100 degrees, which is awesome. All the fluctuations though have led to numerous pressure headaches. Ugh!
Does the weather affect how you feel?
The audiobook for The JOY of Murder is Live! Narrated by Brandon S. Borko. He did a fabulous job! Universal links I have so far for it can be found here. It should be available at Amazon, Audible, iTunes, and more. Sadly, I’ve not been able to get all the links yet. (Ack! Need to update the website, too!)
If you would like to review the audiobook, you can request that here.
SF Author Leon Steven’s did an interview with me and it’s now live! You can find the interview here.
It’s amazing to me how we get stuck thinking about things a particular way and assume everyone else is the same. Working with Author Ad School has opened my eyes to this bizarre conundrum.
For example, some of the suggestions for writing blurbs for Amazon pages feel weird and even wrong, but they’re proven to work! We’re supposed to tell less about the book and more about the emotional journey.
New covers for the mystery series are in the works. I hope to share one or two of them with you next time. Branding, branding, branding. When the Secret Humankind gets finished and I ask Charles for a cover, I definitely plan to keep more of that in mind. His work is too awesome not to use it! Just need to do it right from the start. Whee!
Extra content today:
1) StoryOrigin Swap 1 (Freebie)
2) StoryOrigin Swap 2 (UBL)
3) Tormented Characters: Fantasy Review Copies
4) Trails Unknown Group Promo
5) BookSirens Book Review Bundle for Sep 2022
6) Strong Women Strange Worlds Virtual Readings
Scroll on down to get all the deets. 😉

All Your Lives Belong to US
StoryOrigin Swap 1 (Freebie)
What would you do if you awoke in a video your wife made?
A Scifi Horror novel with a dash of dark comedy.
Nick wakes up in a hotel room and remembers nothing about how he got there.
In the hallway just outside his room he’s murdered.
Nick wakes up in a hotel room and remembers nothing about how he got there.
Lemon’s masterpiece Elysium, a massive multiplayer video game, is released with dismal sales numbers.
But after her failed battle with cancer the game’s sales take off, making it the number one video game in the world.
Now, Nick believes he’s inside of his dead wife’s videogame. Only, it’s just a game… right?
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One
Frogwares has its HQ in Ukraine, yet they’re still working. They just finished a KickStarter campaign to fund the next Sherlock Holmes game! This one involves Kthulu and picks up from where Chapter One left off.
You can see all the currently uploaded pics here.
An old style fire engine! I love all the detailed touches.
One of the many gorgeous fountains around the island. Depending on where you are, the styles and architecture change.
They did an awesome job on the water. Look at the color striations and reflections. (In this game, Sherlock is deathly afraid of water – it was a very cute way to restrict the player’s movements and also ties into the overall mystery of what happened in his youth.)
Breathtaking view from a set of ruins on the island.
Loved the look of this contraption. Looks like a water dispenser?
Our first look at Sherlock’s childhood home after his father passed and they moved to Cordona. (One of the things you can do during the game is purchase items sold from the house to bring it back to what it used to be.)
View as we head towards the older part of the island. You can see the old fortress walls.
In the older part of town is the Golden Eel cafe. And there’s the golden eel! Love the ceramic work on the wall!

Dotty Defends a Detective
StoryOrigin Swap 2 (UBL)
Locked up for murder, but is the detective a killer?
When Dotty’s friend DS Dave Banks is arrested for murdering his partner, Dotty refuses to believe he is guilty. Being in the police force means he has no shortage of enemies but is Dave being framed?
Can Dotty and her friend unravel the case Dave was secretly working on to find out who is behind the evil shenanigans?
More importantly, will it put their lives at risk?
Murder, mayhem and mystery make this the perfect ingredients for another thrilling cozy mystery featuring Dotty and her friends.
For Sep 2022, grab some free reads for reviews – Tormented Character: Fantasy Books!
Trails Unknown – Fantasy Giveaway for Sep 2022!
BookSirens Murder Mystery ARCs for Reviews up for grabs for Sep 2022.
The next Strong Women Strange Worlds Virtual Readings will be on 9/15/22.
I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend! Now off to see what other trouble I can get into today. 😁
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