Table of Contents
News/Musings | StoryOrigin Swap 1 (freebie) |
Virtual Tourist – Lost Ark | StoryOrigin Swap 2 |
A Galaxy of Books Promo |
I hope 2022 has been treating you well. Temps are seesawing like crazy!
I decided to tackle a couple of things these last few weeks.
First, prepping the files and cover for a BONUS Daiyu Wu Mystery short story called Romeo’s Revenge. More details on how you can get your hands on it and not have to wait until Oct 2022 to get it—coming soon!
Second, since I still had not received a resolution about the Black Jade paperback over at Barnes & Noble and the KDP fiasco, I set out to get it published through the B&N Press. While the setup wasn’t bad, I ran into an issue with the ISBN. 😭 B&N wants a whole new one. After a few emails, searches, etc. I had to cave in. So in the next few days, a paperback version should be available for those of you who shop through Barnes and Noble. Yay!
Third, KDP/CreateSpace had announced they would offer a Hardback option to authors/publishers. I finally decided to try it out. As of this morning, Black Jade – A Daiyu Wu Mystery is now also available as a Hardback book! It’s already LIVE on Amazon. I’ve ordered a proof copy to get a better feel of the production value, but it won’t be here until mid-May. Boo! I will take pics once it gets here and share those so you too can take a look. 😁
Fourth, I could not resist a special offer on Photoshop styles, so I used them to spruce up the Daiyu Wu Mysteries FB banner. I also used it to give a little more of a jolt to the cover for Romeo’s Revenge. See below for the results. 😎
Extra content today:
1) StoryOrigin Swap 1 (freebie)
2) StoryOrigin Swap 2
3) A Galaxy of Books – Science Fiction That Takes You to Other Worlds – Giveaway
4) Survey for future giveaway
Scroll on down to get all the deets. 😉

StoryOrigin Swap 1 (Freebie)
Quick-paced, primal, and full of suspense… A thrilling sci-fi short with an “Aliens” feel.
As his warship comes under attack by a devastating alien horror, a drug-addicted recruit stumbles upon a secret super soldier compound. In his hand is the one hope to save the ship. But to do it, he’ll have to face his crippling fear of the alien on the other side of the hatch.
Lost Ark
I’ve made some progress on the game. There is so MUCH extra content in here! Aside from the main storyline and side quests, there’s rapport (building trust with NPCs (Non-player characters) as you complete quests. You give them gifts, songs, or do small quests for them to get them to like you more and more.
As you reach certain levels, they throw more stuff to do, like give you your own island! Later, your own ship to go to other continents as you continue trying to gather the seven Arks.
Pics currently uploaded can all be seen here. (There’s a selfie mode, but I haven’t found where they hide those. DOH!)
Inside one of the dungeons. There are main dungeons that are part of the storyline and also hidden dungeons you can only find if you get a map from defeated enemies.
In this first major dungeon, the city/temple was entirely covered in water. As you clear a section and open the flood gates, more and more of the structures is revealed.
The boss for the flooded dungeon. The only thing I’ve been unhappy about is how you can’t get a closeup of the bad guys unless they put it in the videos. Which they don’t always do.
Closeup of the demon pulling strings—Kharmine. He’s using the characters to weaken those above him, then taking their power for himself. Climbing the ladder the backstabbing way. 😝
The half-demon priest, Armen, after giving in to his demon side to bring forth enough power to fight against Kharmine. (Though Kharmine wants him to do this. He has plans! Bwahahahaha!)
Character loading screen – I LOVE the picture in the background!
One of the boss demons Kharmine is planning to use as stepping stones in his quest for power.
The throne of the kingdom of Luttera. While searching for the Arks, you befriend Prince Thirain who is battling to retake the throne stolen from him.

Evolutionary Magic
StoryOrigin Swap 2
When a mysterious asteroid awakens monsters of myth on Earth, mutant Evolutionaries like Andromeda Bochs are forced to protect what’s left of humanity.
Elite monster hunter with the E-gene might sound prestigious, but Andromeda just put on her last pair of jeans not slimed, burned, or eaten on the job. She expects to die by monster in spectacular fashion until she meets a scientist who believes in magic. And he claims she has it.
Monster hunter becomes the hunted when Andromeda’s new-found power draws the attention of an Ancient Magic. Can she still die by monster? Absolutely. But if she escapes the Ancient and embraces her magic, she might prevent ALL Evolutionaries from dying on the job.
Science and magic collide in this dystopian urban fantasy!
“If you want to read a fantastic book of magic, monsters, heroes, and villains, buy Evolutionary Magic.” • N.N. Light, Amazon Vine Voice
“When I need a ride or die after the apocalypse, I’m calling her.” • Amazon Reviewer
A Galaxy of Books – Science Fiction That Takes You to Other Worlds – freebie reads for your SF cravings.
Have a fabulous weekend!
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