Good morning!
This week, Virtual Tourist will be focused on Styx: Master of Shadows by Cyanide Studios.
For anyone who loved the Thief games, you’ll want to check this one out. First-person sneaker for the win!
I love that while you are learning about the world and the problems there, there is a subplot you don’t realize is there until you’re 25% or more into the game. This is something of a mind-bending game. I can’t wait to see what other secrets they reveal as the story moved forward.
The new album for Styx can be found here.

Game start screen. You can already see there will be lovely visuals! π

The cause of all the troubles. Magical amber. It can open your mind, but it’s also highly addictive. The human and the elves have a truce, but there are those undermining the status quo.

Styx has been caught by the humans currently controlling access to the Tree and its amber. I don’t know yet if Styx was ever human.

This place is huge. Here is one of the hallways. Massive ironworks and gates. Styx has a few tricks up his sleeve though. He can make temporary clones of himself!

This pic gives you a peek at the amazing architecture. This citadel is enormous!

There are all sorts of secret nooks and crannies you can use. Here a view from above of one of the rooms. I love the chandelier!

There are a lot of bad things going on in this place. Human experimentation, probably being the least of it. π±

They do such a good job with the graphics, I’ve felt a little queazy on some of these long drops. π
The big object is an elevator. As I said, this place is immense!

Home sweet home. Though his brain is addled and he keeps hearing voices, Styx still manages to make it to his safe place inside the citadel.

They have airships! π
Hope you all have a great week! And Happy Mother’s Day!
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