Fall is definitely in the air. Temperatures have been chilly all week. It might actually be here to stay!
Due to unforeseen issues at the publisher, Alien Redemption will probably not be available in 2019 but be pushed to early 2020. :( Editing is progressing. I don't think they've assigned a cover artist yet.
Movie Reviews

Terminator: Dark Fate - A lot of James Cameron's films of late have been not so great, so I went to see this with low expectations. I was very pleasantly surprised - the movie was good!
It picks up after events in Terminator 2 Judgement Day and then leaps forward twenty years or so. Skynet is no more. Now they have to worry about Legion. (Time does not like being messed with.)
Great action, special effects, and acting. There are lots of small surprises. I was impressed with the physical details concerning Grace being a cyborg. You can see the scars around her eyes, her arms, chest, and stomach where they did work on her. There are also divets, small screws, and more. And there is a price to be paid for the enhancements.
The new terminator type sent after Dani was super tough and absorbed information at an alarming rate. I love that they made him a small man, someone who you'd never expect to be able to do what he does. Both a liquid and solid terminator, he makes for a super challenging and scary combo. There were some attacks he could have done that he didn't, but then a future flashback shows his compatriots doing precisely what I thought he should have done. LOL. Guess it would have made his mission too easy then.
Overall, I enjoyed the film a lot. Seeing Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwatzeneger together again was a treat. Bitter old Sarah Conner was a hoot. The film definitely deserves to do better at the box office than it has so far. Rating: 3.5 out of 4. (Hubby's Rating: Worth Full Price to See Again!)
Virtual Tourist
Seasons After Fall
Our true form. This is the Sanctuary.
We are back inside the fox and heading off to the second guardian.
You'll learn that in any of the areas with water, winter is your friend. It is the only way to get across and leap out.
Walking through a hollow log.

The route here is obstructed. There are little creatures you can get to spawn who, depending on the seasons, can be activated to blow them up. :)
Another obstruction. Though later, you learn to play with the steam and ice.
There's a giant feather on the outcropping. Something that will be useful after we meet the second guardian.
The second guardian! Now things are about to get super interesting!
Now we can summon summer by barking twice near the energy ball. The new season affects the little guys, and thus we can make them leave their nest which you can see in the branch to the left.
The tree now has a carving for the second guardian as we make our way back to the Sanctuary.
Stay warm out there!
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