Looks like fall is on its way. But before it gets here, it's been hotter than a griddle around here. Texas is at a boil. :P
Mini Movie Reviews

Ad Astra - a cerebral yet also super action-packed film. It is an external and internal journey for astronaut Roy McBride. Ad Astra is Latin for "to the stars" - around which every facet of Roy's life has revolved. The cinematography is outstanding. The special effects are fantastic. This film has a ton of layers, from the personal to the weird directions society has decided to follow. Several twists and surprising bits. Rating: 3.75 out of 4. (Hubby's Rating: Worth Full Price to See Again.)

Abominable - This film was super adorable! A gorgeous movie, full of amazing panoramic shots. Like "Ad Astra" this one is also an emotional journey as well as physical one for Yi. They too do a couple of unexpected twists, just to keep things interesting. :P The Whoop snake is a hoot. (So is Dave. Lol.) Tons of adorable and cute moments. Some tear generating ones as well. You must sit through the credits as they are full of snapshots of things that happen after the adventure is over. The last one definitely tried to open the waterworks. :P Rating: 3.5 out of 4 (Hubby's Rating: Worth Full Price of Admission.)
We frequent AMC Theaters (if you see a lot of movies, their Stubs Program is for you!) IMAX used to be their top screen experience, but it looks like Dolby has now taken that over. What confused us when we first saw Dolby as one of their new movie experience was that back in the day Dolby referred to an enhanced sound system. But now it's returned as both super-enhanced sound (with some shaking the very air around you) and superior colors and visuals. It just seemed off they'd pick a name from something old for something new. Weird!
Have an awesome week!
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