I kind of fell off the face of the Earth for a while. Year End Close at work was rather brutal, and in the middle of it, hubby and I caught the Flu. My daughter and son-in-law didn't catch it, but they got sinus infections instead. Now Jan close is here and the auditors for YE will show any day now. Wheeeeee!

Mini Movie Review - Maze Runner: Death Cure - It was loads better than the second film. A quick recap would have done a lot for it. The continual assumption by Hollywood that people will have gone back and rewatched the previous movies before seeing the new one will keep audiences from enjoying them as much. Lots of action and craziness. Do not look at stuff closely or it falls apart. Things set up in film 2 are not followed up on, things that should have been obvious from stuff that happened in film 2 also were ignored. lol.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Jensen goes into an antiques store and someone had a lot of fun with it. Found a copy of "Hitman" in a corner.
Then I found a copy of Deus Ex in a box! lol.
A part of the map finally opened up in Prague. This is the red light district. Love the girl silhouette projected on the building.
Such a funky setup.
The main street of the red light district. A lot of inventiveness went into this area. As you can see here and in the following pics. (Those leg lamps are too fab! lol)
Looking for someone to get intel from here. It's funny how upstairs it says "live show" yet they use mannequins. (And yes, to the right, that is what it looks like - a tentacle!)
Inside The Irish Stool - has a nice feel to it. :)
The "Temptacle" Club - the reason for the tentacles on buildings. lol.
This is the Church of the Machine God. The followers believe God is in the technology. They have a plan to elevate themselves to the next form of existence. Eek!
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