Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Picture Kaleidoscope 3/19/14 - The AllCon 2014 Edition

Morning, all!

This past weekend was AllCon. Some cool costumes and other stuff going about, though for some reason we didn't see as much of it walk by as one would expect. Huh

Goth Batman and Robin!

Goth group of doom! Bats, Robin, Harley, Bane, Ivy. They looked great!

Grover and his girlfriend and their trashcans. He would pop out here and there. so Cute!

What a fearsome and disturbing sight! Can you imagine Ming The Merciless with the power of a Star Gate? Heh heh

They looked awesome! Flash...Ahahhhhhh!

Ninja Turtles! And Robin 2.5. :P

Look at those wings! They were huge! Her father said they were bigger but they'd cut them back a bit. Her armor looked awesome too. Never did see her Robocop costume. Boo!

Roses roses roses! Looked awesome.

The obligatory table pic.

I tried a couple of different set ups. Table was a little smaller than usual.

Marvel Earrings TM! The Hulk, Iron Man, and Captain America earrings! Heh heh

His armor was fantastic! The detail was amazing.

Gentleman from the Walking Dead, a zombie, and a zombie hunter. heh

Her makeup was done by one of the guests. Gave her a double mouth, so cool.

New project Drew finished while we were there. Doesn't it look fabulous?

Her friend Casey, encased. Heh heh.

Have an awesome Wednesday!

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