Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Picture Kaleidoscope 10/17/12

Morning all!

Have a backup of my own pics and will add a few from others as well. :P

Sunrises have been spectacular lately!

You have to look closely, but the kickback from the cars was higher than the cars! Water was coming down fast!

The sun was playing hide and seek. :)

The Birds! The Birds!

I fell in love during Animefest. Isn't she a beauty?

New photographer I ran across (okay, he friended me, and I investigated) with super cool pics - Peacock by Nate Zeman - Fine Art Nature Photography.

Cloud 10 by Bjoren Lauen over at

Michael Benson's Mind Blowing Photos of the Solar System at at ChaseJarvis. (Some really cool shots!)


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