Monday, December 19, 2011

Mind Sieve 12/19/11

Welcome to another round of Mind Sieve! Enjoy!

Mars Rover Finds Mineral Vein Deposited by Water from NASA. Cool, no?

As originally shared by Piper Bayard - A Very Zombie Holiday (An Instructional Video). Too cute!

From Dr Who News - Two Dr Who Episodes Recovered! (It's just sad how many of the originals were lost!)

From Best of Film - Men In Black 3 Official Trailer!  Looks awesome!

From  KB Owen - Flashback Friday: The Origin of Police in England. Fascinating!

Also from KB Owen - Mystery Monday: The Moonstone, "Grandaddy" of Detective Novels. The book actually sounds like fun!

This is a cool little video explaining the virtues of Galileo's Compass. This sucker did way more than make circles. You could even calculate interest with it! Amazing!

TL Jeffcoat's Weapons Weekly - The Daisho of the Samurai. (I love me them swords! So cool!)

Teaser for HBO's Game of Thrones Season 2 - The Cold Winds are Rising. Woot!

The latest Batman The Dark Knight Rises poster.  Oh yeah, BANE!

This might be quite fun! Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Documentary film about one of the most famed sushi chefs of all time.

From Fans of Movies - The Flowers of War official Trailer. This looks Great!

This is out on DVD already but it looks so FUN! Detective Dee and The Mystery of the Phantom Flame. Woot!

New Poster From Ghost Rider Spirit Of Vengeance.  Sweet!

Preview for the Iron Lady. This looks like it will be a great film! You forget that's Meryl Streep!

From Picture Correct - Protegion: Fascinating New Stop Motion Viral Video. This is super neat!

The Dr Who Christmas Special Trailer!  YES!

From Gene Lempp - Designing From Bones: Lessons From Attila. The Hun no less. :P

From Angela James - 10 Things Authors Should Know About Twitter. Pay special attention to #3! Agents complain about this one all the time!

From Chuck (NSFW) Wendig - The Precarious Portentious Perils of Self Publishing. (Say THAT 10 times fast! Hah!) Great post!

I Actually Counted The Words Because I Couldn't Quite Believe It - a query post from agent Janet Reid.

25 Things Writers Should Know About Rejection - more writerly truths from Chuck (NSFW) Wending.

Aspiring Is For Pansies - Tough Love and Being a Writer by Kristen Lamb. Truth ya'll!

Okay that's it for this week. Now to go waste horrid amounts of time on Star Wars The Old Republic. Booyah!

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