Monday, December 12, 2011

Mind Sieve 12/12/11

Welcome to another mental sifting Monday! Got a bigillion things to run through today. Loads of sharing going on this week.

Cool new video by Charlie. His stuff is always so fun!

New kick-ass trailer for John Carter of Mars. Love that this book is being made into a movie! YES!

From The Week - The 'Mysterious' Whale Graveyard Discovered in the Desert.

At Central Stn a cool post with a ton of pictures on Mysterious Paper Sculptures. Some of these are mind boggling.

 15 Infant Dinosaurs Found in a Nest in Mongolia from The History Blog.

Okay, this is FREAKING COOL! Miniatur Wunderland - model railways, moving miniature cars, crime scenes, moving boats. This is AMAZING!

Shea MacLeod shares Mythos Monday: Roman Misrule, Pagan Yule and An Attitude of Gratitude. Just in time for the winter holiday season!

OMG!  This is so hilariously AWESOME!  Cello Wars by the Piano Guys. (Make sure to watch when the credits hit. Killed me!)

In a cool behind the scenes look, Rumiko Takahashi (Best known for Ranma 1/2, Urusei Yatsura, and Inu Yasha) shows the process by which she creates her manga. Totally fascinating!

Trailer for the Whedon-Penned The Cabin In The Woods. Looks cool in the mystery department part. Ooo!

New preview for the Liam Neeson movie The Grey. Man Against Nature booyah!

A neat post about how America got it's name from Debra Eve - Amerigo Vespucci: The Power of Recognizing the Obvious.

German City Evacuated to Defuse WWII Bombs from the History Blog. Fascinating really. I'd heard before Jerusalem has tons of unknown and still active minefields. But it never occurred to me Germany had active bombs from British and American drops in the Rhine. Eek!

A House Fit For a Hobbit. Too cute!!!!

Charity Album for called Novum Initium - Soundtracks by various artists including Christopher Lennertz and other popular game composers.

Designing From Bones - Demon, Protector, Patsy by Gene Lempp. The Black Shuck - not your typical cuddly puppy.

Nice post from Nathan Bransford on How to Network Without Networking. Great advice!

Post by Sarah over at Glass Cases on Stop Helping Yourself. Several easy tips for queries.

Be A Tweep, Not A Tool Part 2 - Beware the #FF Firehouse by Kristen Lamb.

Weather Thesaurus Entry: Snow from The Bookshelf Muse.

From Chuck (NSFW) Wendig - 25 Financial F***-Ups For Writers. Preaching wisdom with colorful language. :P

The Seduction of Self-Publishing (or "Why I'm Glad I Didn't Have The Option 5 Years Ago) by Chuck (NSFW) Wendig. SUPERB post!

Is Your Novel A Spineless Weakling by Kristen Lamb.

Out of eyeballs and out of time. Enjoy ya'll!

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