Will Wheaton post on the episode "This One Time at Space Camp" for Eureka and his feelings about the end of the series. So cute!
EW.com did an article on a delete scene in the "Empire Strikes Back" between Han and Leia.I don't personally think it's better. What do you all think?
GeekChicDaily shared a link to Burning Man 2011: Dalek Art Car. The Dalek's were lighting up and swinging to Disco! Booyah!
Gene Lempp shared a neat blog post by Kate Wood on Druids! Some nice tidbits of info.
MangaCurr shared an article from BBC News called "In pictures: Manga meets contemporary dance in TeZukA". Looks pretty weird. lol.
Deb Delorme sent me this link to the latest Simon's Cat. For anyone with pets, and especially for writers, this one is for you! Heh - kills me!
Dr Twuth! from Kristen Lamb - Are Writers Related to Ferrets? ADD and Social Media. Yes, those EVIL Shinys! Noooo!
Kristen Lamb shares The Secret to Selling Books Part I - Let's Get Sticky! (Uhm no, no that kind! Get your mind out of the gutter. For shame! :P)
Harrison Painter gives us 5 Things People Want From Blogs. He's got some valid points here.
Dr Twuth again this time to discuss Conquering the Fear of Public Tweeting! Oddly enough, while I have issues initiating conversations face to face, I find it super easy to shout out congrats, hugs, or encouragement to others on Social Media. Hmmm.
Stacey O'Neal has a nice little post about How To Get Book Bloggers To Review YOUR Book. It's amazing how with bloggers, publishers, authors, agents, actors, whoever, people forget they might not be the only one requesting attention!
From the Steve Laube Agency blog - Writers Beware! Protect Yourself! Kinda scary really. Good, sensible advice though.
Maximizing Our Social Media Impact - Having the "Right" Friends by Kristen Lamb. Ack, I see her point and yet, and YET...sigh... lol. I just like to be nice cause I can. Don't get to do it as often as I'd like, but still. So many dimensions of being an author are so hard! Doh!
From Harrison Painter 7 Simple Success Strategies That Make A Difference. These are for small business but apply just as well to authors. :)
Nice little article from the Paper Hangover Blog - Writing 101: Don't Over Think It. I think developing the gut feelings and listening to them is the hardest part. I can edit others all day, but my own stuff, I'm blind! lol.
Roni Loren gives us The Anti-Procrastination Diet. Good rules to live by!
Good post on The Changing Landscape of Publishing by Bob Mayer. The one point he makes that loads of people jumping into the self-publishing bandwagon miss is that he ALREADY had a massive following before putting some of his books out himself. If the following is not already there for you, it won't make much difference and the $$ will not be there. This is a HARD business!
The blog Plot to Punctuation gives us Forty-Five More Flaws That Expose Your Lack of Story Telling Experience Part 1. They only list 9 in part 1 so it's not a huge post. And they've picked some zingers too!
Deadly Sin of Writing #6 - Drifting in the Doldrums by Kristen Lamb. Conflict, conflict, conflict! Bwahahahahahaha!
Nathan Bransford has a nice eye opening blog post on By The Time A Self-Published Author Hits It Big, Do They Really Need a Publisher? Great info and things to consider here.
Awesome blog post by Chuck (NSFW) Wendig - 25 Things You Should Know About Self-Publishing. Hear, hear!
Lucienne Diver did a cool post from an agents POV on Query vs Critique. Eye opening!
Candace Havens blogged about Forest and Trees - critique partners. Some nice insights! (I know I can get carried away. lol. I have people who FEAR ME! Bwahahaha - ah, erm, that's not a good thing though... *cry*)
The Devil's In The Details - 3 Ways to Make Your Writing Shine by Kristen Lamb. I fight with some of these to this day! Argh! Will I never be free?
From the Steve Laube Agency - The Slush Pile: Enter at Your Own Risk. Great insight into aspects of the bizz. :)
They also shared Ten Commandments for Working With Your Agent. Heh heh heh.
More Publish America dirt passed on by PN Elrod - Book Festival Organizers Refute US Publisher's Claims of Access. Amazing that they think they can do this stuff. Wow.
Okay that's it for this week. Happy reading!
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