Hmmm, well, I did just finish Rosemary Clemment-Moore's latest book called Texas Gothic. Loads of fun! Magic, ghosts, TEXAS! Booyah! What more could you want? :P
And for anyone interested, Rob Thurman (another awesome author) is doing a big shindig for the release of Basilisk this very week! (Bromance to the MAX, ya'll!)
Hah! Not sure where to put this one. Chuck (NSFW) Wendig has a post on Turning Writers Into MotherF**** Rock Stars. Very tongue-in-cheek. Kids, do NOT try this at home! lol (He's so crazy!)
Janice Hardy did an interesting post on Write What They Don't Know: Manipulating Your Readers for Better Plots. While she makes several good points, this is the kind of thing you need to be careful on. While a mature author can pull it off, someone still beginning could get into a lot of trouble with this. Just something to keep in mind. (And make sure to keep track of them as you use them too!)
Testing the Idea - Is It Strong Enough to Make a Novel from Kristen Lamb. Good points and sources to look at to boot.
Larry from gives us a list of 5 Creative Flaws That Will Expose Your Lack of Story Telling Experience. These are DEAD ON, guys!
From Chuck (NSFW) Wendig - 25 Ways To Become A Better Writer. WORD!
Looks like this is going to be it for this week. I should be back to normal *fingerscrossed* by next time, so more bombardment is imminent. :)
Please feel free to share any superb stuff you've come across in the comments, or discussions on any of these bits. PARTY!
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