Saturday, September 09, 2023

Virtual Tourist 09/08/23


Table of Contents

News/MusingsStory Origin Swap 1
Virtual Tourist – Kena Bridge of SpiritsStory Origin Swap 2
Great Detectives Form All Over Group PromoAwesome Audiobooks – FREE for Reviewers Group Promo
Strong Women – Strange WorldsReviewer’s Corner


We had a heat reprieve for about a week, but now we’re back to 100+ degrees Fahrenheit. Whee! 🔥🔥🔥 🍳 Talk about being able to cook eggs on the sidewalk any time of the day and night! Whee!


I don’t think I mentioned it, but I had a test to measure my leg bones to see if one was shorter than the other. Despite making progress with the chiropractor, I’d noticed I kept sliding back so it had to be something gumming up the works! And yep, one leg bone is slightly shorter. So they’ve added the height to one of the orthotics. So far, so good! (Thank goodness!) 🥰

I guess the older we get, the more little things like this have a bigger effect that youth is no longer compensating for. DOH! 


Writing News

I’ve hit 63K words on the first draft of The Death of Music Blues – less than 10K to go! Then I can start the first draft of the Discoveries of Julia Xero Book 2! I’m pumped to get started!

Well, it seems the magic of 50 Amazon reviews is a myth, but still so awesome to get there! Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen! 🎇✨🎆

I even broke the highest ranking number for SH again! Woot! Check it out! 

The Secret Humankind Rankins at Amazon for 09.6.23

I am back down into the 50,000 range, but it’s a miracle I caught it at just the right time to get that screenshot. 📷 I think Facebook Ads have been the difference this time around. Ad Cost vs. Revenue is coming out about even, but otherwise, it is definitely getting my name out there, so that’s awesome! I’m grateful for whatever I can get. 😍

As I’ve mentioned before, this business is NOT for the faint of heart. But I just keep plugging on. (I am rather stubborn.😱) 

Extra content today:

1) StoryOrigin Swap 1 (Free Review Copy)

2) StoryOrigin Swap 2 (UBL)

3) Great Detectives From All Over Group Promo

4) Awesome Audiobooks Group Promo

5) Strong Women – Strange Worlds Rapid Fire Readings


Scroll on down to get all the deets. 😉



StoryOrigin Swap 1 (Free for Review)

True blood meets Bitten. Danger and love collide.

Raine has found her first mate Liam Grimm but in doing so she discovers that her Witch heritage isn’t her only surprise. When her first mate was attacked, she pushed her magic to the brink of exhaustion releasing the final seal that was containing her wolf. Now she is summoned to the wolf mating games or risk angering the Alpha of Alpha’s. Problem is since then she can’t duplicate the action.

To make matters worse the only wolf she knows hid who he truly was. Lucian is attractive and broody and until the battle she thought him nothing more than a man with a talent for fixing things. Finding out he was the black wolf/ dog she’d seen around town left her feeling deeply betrayed.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits

I have to be careful when purchasing PC games, as more and more of them don’t take dizziness into account. If they have settings you can change (like motion blur) I can cope. But there have been some with no options whatsoever.

Happily, this game isn’t one of them! But even with motion blur at 0, I still can only play for an hour—if I am lucky! (One of the skills is controlling a compiled entity, and for whatever reason moving it around does things to me!)

It’s gorgeous and the premise and stories are great so far.

You can see all the currently uploaded pics here.

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The game’s title screen.

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This is Kena. She’s come to this forest for an unstated purpose. I am assuming we will get more on why she is here as other issues are solved.

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There is an energy Kena can manipulate thanks to her staff’s stone and her innate skill. She can set things right and also free spirits.

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One of the many power-enabled locks. Some are ready to open once she uses her spirit energy, others need fixing first.

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It has a bit of an oriental feel. Different shaped stones and some with carvings that will glow with energy.

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You find friends along the way called Rots. They will help guide you, fight with you, lift statues, and more. So cute! (You can even buy them little hats. Both Rots and hat styles have to be found to get added.

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Since the village here was abandoned due to famine, some of the souls were trapped and won’t move on. This has caused a malicious type of energy to grow and spread. Part of Kena’s job is to get rid of it and restore areas.

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Not all of the corrupted souls want to be healed and will fight to stop you! They will create things to get in your way.

Johara's Choice

Johara's Choice

StoryOrigin Swap 2 (UBL)

Locked in a tower with the fear of prophecy holding her parents back, Johara dreams of freedom.

However, her time in confinement is spent well, researching the true state of her country. When she realises her father has ignored the importance of ancient ritual, Johara must find a way to break free and avert the gathering catastrophe at the risk of being stamped a heretic, or face the annihilation of her people and their way of life.

Haunted by the horrors of war, Erik has given up hope of ever finding anything truly worth fighting for. With the guilt of his past weighing him down, he’s unable to shake off what has been or move forward to a better future. When a twist of fate allows his path to cross Johara’s, everything changes and he begins to hope there might yet be a chance at happiness. But can he embrace life and the spitfire princess who never does as she’s told, running headlong into danger at every turn? Or will he let that, too, slip through his fingers.

Embark on a magical high-stakes adventure in this standalone retelling of Andersen’s classic fairytale, The Tinderbox.

Great Detectives From All Over Group Promo Banner

Great Detectives From All Over Group Promo – An all-genre diverse mysteries giveaway!

Fall Into A New Audiobook Group Promo Banner

Awesome Audiobooks – FREE for Reviewers – Group Promo for fall!

Strong Women Strange Worlds 08.17.23

JO🌟 Shout out to Reviewers Corner! 🌟

Thanks this month go to:


Alien Redemption – Momio A

Cross-eyed Dragon Troubles – Startime

Jacques– Kuzlin and Linda

Pay It Forward – Kuzlin

The Secret Humankind – SV Fansworth, Arthistorygirl, Mary Winger, Kindle Customer, Kmitcham, Melanie Fletcher, Amber Keenan, Cheryl Ames, Laura J, Chrissy Spulak, Melissa Saxton, Heather Goodman, Lori Potter, Momio A, Barbara Harrison, Mandy M, Lajones, Katrina Evanochko, Jennifer Reimer, Heather Goodman, Kim, Laura, Sheri


A great big THANK YOU to all the reviewers!

(Do you want your name in here, too? All you need is to post a one or two-sentence review at Bookbub, Goodreads, Amazon, or send me a link if it’s posted elsewhere and I will add you here next round!)

​I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day holiday! 

​Until next time!



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