Sunday, January 14, 2018

Virtual Tourist - Wolfenstein The New Order 1/14/18


No Mini Movie Review this week. Work's been killing me for Year End Close, so I was a total vegetable yesterday. Did 16 hours just on Friday. Ugh! The first couple of months of the new year are heinous work wise. :P (My messed up brain kept singing "It's the most wonderful time, of the year!" all week!) :P

Wolfenstein The New Order

Wolfenstein The New Order

We're taking the train to Berlin. Those two at the table will become central figures in BJ's future.

Wolfenstein The New Order

Close up of one of the top of the line cyborg sentries.

I love all the lovely details!

Wolfenstein The New Order

Our first look at Berlin.

Wolfenstein The New Order

More of the Berlin skyline. The Nazi Secret Police Headquarters

Wolfenstein The New Order

The Nazi's have made it to the moon! This is also, believe it or not, a piece of foreshadowing. Later on, we'll be going there too! Bwahahahahaha!

Wolfenstein The New Order - building

This is a rather impressive building, no?

Wolfenstein The New Order

After much work and heartache, I've finally found what remains of the US resistance fighters in a super fortified prison. I'm about to cut those chains!

Wolfenstein The New Order - statues

You have to give it to the Nazi's - they know how to go big! (This is also an overhead view which will lead us down to where the resistance has their main HQ. Right in the middle of the enemy!
Wolfenstein The New Order - Resistance HQ

Resistance Headquarters. What little there is of it. But tapped in good.

Hope you have a great week!

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Virtual Tourist - Deus Ex Mankind Divided 1/7/18


Mini Movie Review

Darkest Hour

Darkest Hour - 4 out of 5 (Hubby's Rating: Worth Full Price to See Again) - great performances, cool cinematography. See the England side of what was going on while soldiers were getting stranded at Dunkirk and the horrid pressure on Churchill. A fascinating slice of history.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided

Deus Ex Mankind Divided 

Beautiful view from the window!

Deus Ex Mankind Divided 

Someone has been keeping tabs on us!

Deus Ex Mankind Divided 

Hidden clues to a murder?

Deus Ex Mankind Divided

This machine will send me into a virtual world. Trying to figure out if my boss is part of the conspiracy.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided

The virtual room where we've glimpsed clandestine meetings by those trying to undermine society.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided 

Virtual data vault!

Deus Ex Mankind Divided

This is the actual data in a virtual form.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided 

Another data node. This place is so cool looking! A pain in the keister to get at some of these data nodes though!

Deus Ex Mankind Divided

I am spying on my bosses a virtual meeting. Hee hee!

Deus Ex Mankind Divided

Red light district in Prague. Clues from the virtual data vault and eavesdropping have led me here.

Wish me luck! Currently going through Year End at work. So far it's proving rather ugly. Don't like it! Waaahhh!

Have a great week!
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