Sunday, December 31, 2017

Virtual Tourist - Wolfenstein The New Order 12/31/17

With all the holidays the last two weeks and trying not to catch a cold, my sense of what day it is is a little on the fritz! Lol. Almost forgot today is Sunday and Virtual Tourist Day! DOH!

Mini Movie Reviews

Star Wars The Last Jedi

Star Wars The Last Jedi - 3 out of 5 - mostly a smash of Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi with unimaginative changes. For such a huge franchise, you'd think they'd try to do good scripts. Still better than Episode III (Movie 6) :P

Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle

JUMANJI: Welcome to the Jungle - 4 out of 5 - I REALLY enjoyed this one! It had a lot more depth than you'd expect, lots of surprises, and the acting was fab! Jack Black outdid himself on this one. They all did. (We went home and immediately watched the original again. Found several nice tie backs!)


Downsizing - 3.25 out of 5 - Hubby was wanting to see this one badly, and ended up very disappointed. The first half or so was fascinating! Then the pace came to grinding halt and took a left turn. I think they tried to do too much with the film and inadvertently lost their way. A pity.

Wolfenstein The New Order

After escaping the mental hospital, we hide at my girl's grandparents. I brought along a souvenir. Time to get answers. 

The little touches are always the best. Here is a poster that needs no translation. :)

A giant facility and checkpoint. We need to get through this to go to Berlin. 

Should have lightened this one. Dang. Anyway, you can see my girl's grandma and grandpa. Old but mean business. They are helping to sneak the two of us to Berlin.


Within the facility/checkpoint structure.

Another one I should have lightened. Boo! I'm sneaking my way further into the facility.

Some cool truck plans in the garage area. Some very subtle foreshadowing as you will soon see. :P

View of a smaller secondary gate. We're almost through.

Surprise! This is what the weird truck specs were for. Transporting mechanized warrior units. Eek! 

A full view of the beastie. Nasty sucker. They pop two of those for you to get rid off. Ugh!

Hope you and yours have a great New Years Eve!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Virtual Tourist - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 12/17/17

Chaos continues! Hope you're having a great weekend!

Mini-Movie Review - The Shape of Water

The Shape Of Water

The opening scene is super awesome. This is a cute fairy tale, but IT IS NOT FOR KIDS! I can't emphasize this enough. This movie is for adults. There are lots of great performances. It's a sleepy little tale, but very poignant.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

One of the problems with what was supposed to be an aug paradise.

Heading to some of the restricted levels as I search for the man who created this place.

Sneaking around looking for ways up.

The man being blamed for a lot of the terrorist action in the world. He is an avid aug supporter. He doesn't look like he's doing so well. His dreams have been rotted from within and without, but others not so altruistic.

He's a broken man. He's not realized the depths of the betrayals visited upon him quite yet.

Well educated, driven, and yet even he has been played.

The skeleton of dreams never to be realized.

I so love the attention to detail!

Jensen has ferreted some of the truth. Time to bail from Hell.

There will be a reckoning.

Have a great week!

Sunday, December 03, 2017

Virtual Tourist - Wolfenstein The New Order 12/3/17


Mini Movie Review - Coco


This film was fabulous! It had a lot of layers and a lot of surprises. Bring some hankies! It truly encapsulates the meaning of the Day of the Dead. Filled with a lot of traditional Mexican songs as well. Go see it!!!!!! 

My son-in-law mentioned that there's some controversy with the Frozen short that comes before the film starts. My hubby and I had to look at each other because the Frozen short was adorable and heartfelt. Despite what some are saying, it does have a plot with consequences! Not sure how they can't see that. Emotional damage is a consequence. Very weird...

Wolfenstein The New Order

Deathshead in the flesh. This is the point in the game where things actually start getting serious and also proves why it's not for kids!

This is a nice view of the armored guards. These guys are tough and no longer entirely human. Deathshead is forcing me to choose between two friends. Nasty, nasty man!

To say I or Blazkowics are not conflicted is a significant error.

Got a shock as my remaining friend and I manage to escape. The game went into the beginning credits. Everything up to now was but the stage setting up the actual game. Gasp!

Yep... Very surprising! Lol.

I took shrapnel to the head, so time has progressed as I sit in a kind of limbo. 14 years elapse during a sequence of scene flashes.

I sit in a wheelchair staring out all that time. Being taken care of at this sanitorium. The caretakers there have problems of their own.

They've just about killed everyone, and Blazkowicz has come to his senses to take them down and try to rescue the girl!

Open hospital bedding area

Cool vehicle! Also shows the Nazi's are still wrong. It looks like history has taken a left turn. (Which is true. Germany won the war in this reality!)

Outside view of my home for the last 14 years.

Hope you're having a great weekend! Until next time!
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