
Monday, January 10, 2011

Mind Sieve and More!

Okay. I need to blog more. Problem is I'm BORING! I lead a somewhat orderly and mundane life. So what to do?

Well, after much thought, I think I've finally come up with a thing or two I can do on a regular basis thus creating a steady flow of posts. Better yet, it might even be interesting and whatnot! Even helpful! *gasp*

I'll continue doing the movie reviews, as we normally see one every week. Maybe throw in some TV reviews as well. Will probably do con reports on those weekends I'm not able to go to the movies due to being at a con. Will also add Mind Sieve posts and Picture Kaleidoscope posts! (Those two I am hoping to make regular features.)

For the Mind Sieve posts I'll list links and small descriptions for cool content and blog posts I've run across and RT'd on Twitter. This will give me a chance to better share these things since Twitter is so very NOW and blogs don't roll away as fast.

For the Picture Kaleidoscope I'll share whatever weird phone pics I took for the week but also present the cool stuff people have Tweeted or shown on Facebook that I've run across. Hopefully I will trip over enough material to keep all of us happy. And it's always nice to link back and forth anyway. The more the merrier! (Now if I could only figure out when the best days to post these things regularly would be...)

Well, let's get this party started shall we?

*drum roll please*


From @mybookishways - Copy of Rachel Caine's Ghost Town up for Grabs!

From @orbitbooks - Win a ton of books! Jim Butcher Fans unite!

From @yabookscentral - Submitting reviews could earn you a Box of Books!

Fan Fun

From @rclementmoore - If you enjoyed Rosemary Clemment-Moore's Splendor Falls (fun book!) you can now become a fan at FaceBook!

Shared by @HuffingtonPost - BIG NEWS! David Tenant (Dr Who) is engaged!
And to no other than the Doctor's Daughter (who really is a Dr Who Daughter!)

From @Rob_Thurman - Rob Thurman has a new website! Music, audio samples, manga pics, banners and more!

Gadget Help

Shared by @BacklisteBooks - Useful article on how to add ebooks to your iPhone, iPad and iTouch


Shared by @dailycartoonist - TRON will have an animated series in the summer!

From @debaoki - 2011 Manga Previews - 82 New Titles!

Personal Help

Shared by @Ginger_Clark - Some tips on how to help overcome shyness for authors!


Shared by @JerryJDavis - Organic life on Mars!


Shared by @torbooks - 11 SF/Fantasy shows coming in 2011! YES!

Writing Advice

From @KristenLambTX - Ways to sell a ton of books!

From @ChuckWendig - (NSFW) Using the News to kick in a new angle to get your book picked up - humorous!

Shared by @CandaceHavens - Guest Blogger Kristen Lamb talks about the differences between Social Media Gurus and Authors

From @NathanBransford - Writing blog comments the right way can make for more traffic to your own blog

From @ChuckWendig - (NSFW) What the HECK is a Writer's Platform and how do I get one?

From ">@KristenLambTX - Persistence is good for an author, but when is it too much?

From @Kid_Lit - Being Patient is hard to do, but as writer's we've no choice

Writing Opportunities

Shared by @EvilWylie - Submission Guidelines for Writers Without Borders

HAH! That should keep ya'll busy for a bit. :P Enjoy!

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